Day 14: Four Fears
I may not only have four fears but I thought this fit perfectly for the topic |
1. One of my big fears is not being able to provide for my family
I know that the idea of the man being the provider of the household is kind of old fashioned. In this day and age equality is the big thing and I am all for equality, my wife and I are very much equal in our relationship.However, I am really a firm believer that even if a man isn't the sole provider for his family, he should be responsible for making sure that is family has everything they need to live a satisfied life.I don't know why but I have always put a big emphasis on monetary belongings, I have always seen status as having money, that is now changing.
I am coming to know, however, that true happiness is not in the physical, but the emotional, between a healthy relationship with God and a healthy emotional relationship with spouse, family, and friends happiness is so much more than physical possessions. I know this now.
However, I still also understand that society has put so much emphasis on our capitalist structure that unfortunately working and earning money is not only not an option but a necessity. To be able to provide even the basics a family must earn a decent amount of money
To be able to own instead of rent or lease on big purchases such as a home or car a family must make even more money just to survive. I want to be able to do this for my family.
2. Another fear of mine is seeing harm come to my family
I think this pretty much goes without saying, but I love my family with my whole heart and seeing any kind of harm, accidental or intentional, would absolutely destroy me physically, mentally, my whole being.3. On a national scale I fear that if things don't change the United States could fall into anarchy or worse.
In the sense that one person can have a great impact I hope that in some way (I don't know how) I can contribute to changing this.This has already become evident in the government shut downs as well as the many other polarizing debates going on across the country. Now we all may come to see where we are headed and come to our senses.
I fear, though, if we continue to polarize on these topics we could be looking at either anarchy or another civil war type situation, which could be very dangerous.
4. Further more, on a global scale I fear that if the human race doesn't change its actions quickly, we may doom ourselves to a dying world that we cannot save.
Disclaimer: No I did not use any direct sources, but I have over two years worth of higher education in the environmental sciences, so I am not an uneducated rambler.This is my fear it does not have to be everyone's.
Irregardless of what you think about human caused climate change, etc. it is obvious that the human race if not harming, is doing no good for the natural state of our planet.
We are constantly changing the natural landscape, whether or not you think fossil fuels are a dangerous thing, they are disappearing at an alarming rate and will not last forever, and finally the world population is constantly growing, again no matter if you view this as an issue there is only so much space on this planet and we again we will run out of it faster than you think.
This is just the beginning, I haven't even touched on the effects that we have on other species the world over, including those we don't even know exist yet.
The point is though, that if we don't become proactive in how we care for our one and only home, we will become reactive and by then who knows what we can salvage, if anything.