Tuesday, July 1, 2014

30 Day Challenge: Day 15

Day 15: My Wish List

Right now my wish list is kind of out of my hands, at the very top of the list is a home for my family and if any of you read my wife's blog you know that is a very touchy subject right now. Essentially, we have been deceived by our lending agent as to where we stood in the loan process for six weeks now and when closing came up she had not yet come through with the loan so we have now signed three extensions and are at the end of our ropes right now in terms of options to keep the contract alive but it is still a work in progress and we will see how it goes.

Second on my list is a new (new used) car, I drive a 1999 Chevy cavalier that is actually rebuilt on a salvage title. It gets me from point A to point B and I really do like it, it was after all my first car. However, I now commute over a half an hour and that '99 just doesn't have the gas mileage that I need to have a functional budget. So I have been looking and falling in love with the car below a 2013 Ford Focus, it is cool, has four doors (for the family), and great gas mileage, one day I hope to make it mine.
That basically sums it up for me, I have many more things on my bucket list, that you can check out too. We are also in the midst of preparing for a vacation home to Ohio so I will keep this one short and sweet.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

30 Day Challenge: Day 14

Day 14: Four Fears

I may not only have four fears but I thought this fit perfectly for the topic


1. One of my big fears is not being able to provide for my family

I know that the idea of the man being the provider of the household is kind of old fashioned. In this day and age equality is the big thing and I am all for equality, my wife and I are very much equal in our relationship. 
However, I am really a firm believer that even if a man isn't the sole provider for his family, he should be responsible for making sure that is family has everything they need to live a satisfied life.I don't know why but I have always put a big emphasis on monetary belongings, I have always seen status as having money, that is now changing. 

I am coming to know, however, that true happiness is not in the physical, but the emotional, between a healthy relationship with God and a healthy emotional relationship with spouse, family, and friends happiness is so much more than physical possessions. I know this now.

However, I still also understand that society has put so much emphasis on our capitalist structure that unfortunately working and earning money is not only not an option but a necessity. To be able to provide even the basics a family must earn a decent amount of money

To be able to own instead of rent or lease on big purchases such as a home or car a family must make even more money just to survive. I want to be able to do this for my family.


2. Another fear of mine is seeing harm come to my family 

I think this pretty much goes without saying, but I love my family with my whole heart and seeing any kind of harm, accidental or intentional, would absolutely destroy me physically, mentally, my whole being. 

3. On a national scale I fear that if things don't change the United States could fall into anarchy or worse. 

In the sense that one person can have a great impact I hope that in some way (I don't know how) I can contribute to changing this. 

The way that I see it, Republicans hate democrats simply because they are democrats, Democrats do exactly the same. The country is becoming so polarized in it's views on every single topic of government, that very soon we will reach a dead stand still. 

This has already become evident in the government shut downs as well as the many other polarizing debates going on across the country. Now we all may come to see where we are headed and come to our senses.

I fear, though, if we continue to polarize on these topics we could be looking at either anarchy or another civil war type situation, which could be very dangerous.


4. Further more, on a global scale I fear that if the human race doesn't change its actions quickly, we may doom ourselves to a dying world that we cannot save. 

Disclaimer: No I did not use any direct sources, but I have over two years worth of higher education in the environmental sciences, so I am not an uneducated rambler.This is my fear it does not have to be everyone's.


Irregardless of what you think about human caused climate change, etc. it is obvious that the human race if not harming, is doing no good for the natural state of our planet.

We are constantly changing the natural landscape, whether or not you think fossil fuels are a dangerous thing, they are disappearing at an alarming rate and will not last forever, and finally the world population is constantly growing, again no matter if you view this as an issue there is only so much space on this planet and we again we will run out of it faster than you think.

This is just the beginning, I haven't even touched on the effects that we have on other species the world over, including those we don't even know exist yet. 

The point is though, that if we don't become proactive in how we care for our one and only home, we will become reactive and by then who knows what we can salvage, if anything.

Friday, June 20, 2014

30 Day Challenge: Day 13

Day 13: Something I'm Proud of

Photo Courtesy of Ray Davis Photography
Without a doubt the first thing that came to my mind for this post was my Degree. In May 2009 I graduated high school embarked on a unknown scary journey that a majority of high school graduates pursue, college. In May 2013 exactly four years later I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Berea College.

That isn't all I came away with though, I also met my wonderful wife and Jace was born all before I graduated. It may have been unconventional, but I would never do it any different if I had the chance.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

30 Day Challenge: Day 12

30 Day Challenge: Day 12, What If...?

What if...Respect became a focus in our society, instead of popularity, status, or appearance?

Respect has always meant a great deal to me, when I am disrespected I tend to take it very personally and it often affects me for days or longer. I think this comes from the lack of respect in my adolescence. Between my parents divorce, lack of friends in school, and other circumstances, I never garnered much respect especially from my peers.

I was always taught by my parents that respect was earned and a person had to give it to earn it, therefore I always tried my hardest to respect everyone I knew. Granted I was a teenager, going though medical issues, with a fairly dysfunctional family (not a bad family just dysfunctional) so respect wasn't always on my mind but I definitely tried, specifically in situations where my demeanor, attitude, and qualifications were under scrutiny (i.e. tryouts, interviews, club meetings, work, etc.), That is just how I grew up.

So what does respect mean? To me respect is first treating oneself with dignity. Then treating others with that same dignity. By definition respect is a form of admiration, the ability for someone to see the good in others and to truly take it to heart, then in turn show them through attitude and actions. So a person must first admire themselves before they can share that admiration with others.  

It astounds me, especially working in customer service and hospitality how much people only care about themselves. Not only are they selfish but they also clearly do not respect themselves either, there is a big difference. For example, if a person has a selfish state of  mind and body when they walk into a four star hotel they tend to have a tendency to start complaining about any little thing that goes wrong, from the length of time it takes to check in, to complaining and changing rooms multiple times because they absolutely have to have a specific room set-up. They clearly do not respect themselves when during all of this their body odor is palpable throughout the entire open air atrium and others that are not servicing their needs have to step away before they lose their lunch. When a person cares so little for who they are and how they are viewed in a public situation, how can they then expect to be treated with any modicum of respect in return (we have to serve you and provide your request, but that doesn't mean we have respect you) and how can they live with being in such a slovenly state.

Now I personally find this very hard to deal with, but like I said I was taught, and am now teaching to my son, that in order to earn respect you must first give it. I start by first trying to treat everyone the same no matter their situation. I greet everyone in the same fashion, with a smile and kind words, I try to give everyone the same information while also making their experience personal. Most importantly though I try to adhere to our brand standard and think two steps ahead, this can make all the difference.

I have come to realize that even my coworkers have trouble treating everyone with the same respect. There are definitely customers that come in regularly and have their quirks that present certain challenges, but we are a four star hotel that is why people come to us, they expect that their quirks will be taken care of.

So far I have been able to handle some of these "trouble customers" without issue, to some of my co-workers surprise I might add. I think that being in customer service has really taught me about how to treat people the right way, it has allowed me to watch, learn, and ultimately grow from my interactions with people on a daily basis. 

Saturday, May 31, 2014

30 Day Challenge; Day 11

Day 11: Something you Feel Strongly About

William Gladstone is the original author of this quote. Not Hendrix, Gandhi, or King.
One thing that I have always thought was essential to living a fulfilled life is the ability to love one another, both because of and in spite of our differences. I have always had a difficult time reconciling in my mind the fact that people can be so difficult to reason with, or that just because people have differing view points that they think they can no longer be friends.

I first had an experience similar to the latter in high school, with my then best friend. If I'm being honest I have never really been great at making friends, it has always been a surface kind of friendship so that plays a big role in this. But, moving on, at the time we were best friends, we grew up together basically since preschool where we first met. We hung out a lot, played on the same sports teams, and overall had a good thing going, but never really connected on a deeper level than that. That surface connection started to change in middle school, but took a serious dive in high school. You see I always knew his family held different views than mine, his father was a Marine, and then later a Police officer. My mother on the other hand, divorced my father because of his conservative views, among other reasons, and became a grass roots organizer for Barack Obama's presidential campaign.  

Sophomore year we had government class together, so while he was basically preparing to follow in his fathers foot steps and enlist in the marines, I was happy go lucky in theatre and preparing for college. You can see the differences. Government class really exacerbated these and forced us apart significantly we no longer hung out except on occasion, we sat at different tables, etc. I now realize that it really didn't matter what we held as political views or what we planned on doing after graduation, a true friendship endures through those things.

This really came to me strongly today, a group of men at church is doing Saturday morning Bible study and currently we are in 1Thessalonians. While we were reviewing the designated reading (1 Thess. 2:1-12) today we fell into a focus on how we evangelize the word to others. The parts we focused on were about the love that Paul, Silas, and Timothy had for the people of Thessalonica. Verse 7  out of the NIV reads "but we were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children." and verses 11&12 read "11For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, 12encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God who calls you into his kingdom and glory." 

We discussed how love is an essential part of being, it was put roughly like this by our study leader, if God created the universe then innately he had to create it with his personal views in mind. Since God is a loving being it stands to reason that, within the figurative fabric of existence, is the default need to love and be loved.

We went on to discuss how this is prevalent all around us, especially in the animal realm. Dogs, for example are well known to love and give affection endlessly and ask for nothing but love in return. Even we discussed that giving love, inevitably leads to receiving love back, to the extremes of people or animals that have relationships that are outside of the normal thought processes, the figurative lion sleeping with the lamb. 

I truly do believe that if the world just loved a little bit more, stopped getting wrapped up in technicalities and minor differences in someones world view and just loved them the way they are despite their differences, we can then move on to the greater things such as living together in peace, learning together, and from one another, and ultimately coexisting in a God loving world. 

I know this is a very utopian idea, and by no means am I one to really be preaching this, as I am still learning it myself but I do feel that with work and time I can become better in this and I hope that even just my small efforts can make the world that much better for it.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

30 Day Challenge: Day 10

Day 10: Something you Never get Tired of 

While there are many things that I cannot live without, there are very few things that I can say that I never get tired of. I am an adventurous person, I rarely stick with any idea, hobby, or interest for very long. I love ideas and dwell on them endlessly. So far as never getting tired of something, that rarely happens.  

Sports however, are different, I've played baseball since I was five and Golf since I was nine. I tried football, but then I got sick so that put a quick end to that.

Baseball is definitely my absolute favorite sport, like I said I have played for almost two decades now. I have never been great but I have been good enough to hold my own. I played catcher for most of my youth, and transferred to playing second base as well.

I love the action, the anticipation of not know where the batter may hit the ball is exhilarating. When you are batting it is pure instinct in action, when a pitch is coming at you, you have milliseconds to respond and make the decision to swing or let it go.  

Even to this day I play softball with my church, though a significantly different game the challenge is still just as significant. I used to mock softball for its slow pitches and larger target (the ball). However, after playing and being an umpire in several leagues I realized that though very similar, the two games are completely different animals, and each just as challenging as the other.

Golf on the other hand is a thinking mans sport, and it has taken me nearly fifteen years to realize that. Every shot on the golf course has to be approached with a strategic plan of action with even the most minute difference in club angle, speed, or swing able to throw off even the most well planned shot. It is a careful balance of power and control, and very few people are able to master it. I am just learning what it means to be in control on the golf course, I am taking the time to think about my game as well as play. I want to spend more time on the driving range learning about my swing so that I can master it and work with it any way that I can to improve the outcome of my rounds on the course.   

I know that technically this is two things but the aspect of sport is really one thing that I could never get tired of. The challenge, thought, and instinct required to master them are skills that will always hold my attention, and never lose their appeal.

Monday, May 26, 2014

30 Day Challenge: Day 9

Day 9: Something you Learned Recently 

Exercise doesn't have to be boring 

Alright so my wife Camille has been on a kick butt weight loss adventure, 30 lbs. and counting, I tried to keep up in the beginning but exercise routines tend to get boring for me. Being an ESFP I really am always looking for the next adventure. I have come to realize that adventure doesn't have to be some grand journey but can be the adventure of a soccer game, or the outcome of a softball game.

These are the ways that I exercise, not weight lifting or workout videos, sports. I have loved sports my entire life but never really looked at it as exercise when I was young. Now I take advantage of the regular sporting opportunities afforded to me.

Our church is a wonderful source of inspiration, we have a church softball league that I have been a part of for a few years now but never really took it seriously as exercise, just competitive fun. I have taken steps to improve my game and in doing so I have increased my skills and endurance considerably, as well as become healthier in general.

There is also a group that has started a weekly pick up soccer game at one of the local fields, this started as soon as the weather started turning, I would say warmer but well we live in Kentucky. They basically started playing when the snow thawed.

Now if I am being completely honest, I always hated soccer. I never saw a point in a game that goes on for over an hour and a half and can not only end in a tie, but end with neither team even scoring. I only ever played one season as a kid, because well I was pudgy and out of shape and the excessive running was definitely not my strong point.

However, regardless of my feelings toward the game at the time, I knew it would be great cardio work. The first week I went was one of Kentucky's warm winter days in late March or so, I was able to keep up for about 20-30 minutes before having to switch into goalie so that I could catch my breathe. The next week I went was awful, it was back to like 40 degrees outside, the cold burned my lungs horribly and I was done with soccer.

My ever persistent wife though inspired me, she was proud that I had decided to take my health seriously, and well I couldn't let her down. So I continued going and this past week without even realizing it, I was able to run at 80-100% effort for two full hours and was only just finally getting to the point where I had to stop. I'm not saying it was easy, not at all. I was totally exhausted but when I looked at my phone and realized how long I had not only played, but played hard and kept up I was so unbelievably overwhelmed by how far I had come, I was proud of myself for the first time in a very long time.   

Monday, May 19, 2014

30 Day Challenge: Day 8

Alright so the reason I missed posting for a few days is because A) I was super busy with work, and B) I had to modify this challenge to fit me a bit more, since I'm a guy I couldn't really post about the original "day 8, what's in your handbag?" or a few others about make up, etc. those changes took a bit longer than I thought they would and consumed my designated blogging time. 

30 Day Challenge: Day 8, One thing (object) I cannot live without. 

Alright so when I recreated this topic within the challenge, I was thinking material items, or perhaps stretching it a bit to be an activity. However, the more I think about it the one thing that I cannot life without is the church. Now, I'm not necessarily talking about River of Life where we attend weekly services, though that is a big part of my life right now. I mean the community that is the church, as was intended by Jesus. My wife and I just recently took a life group course called "Gospel in Life" by Timothy Keller, now I'm not going to lie both Camille and I found it fairly difficult to get through the entire course. Though the one main message really stuck with me. Basically, as Christians it is our duty to live within our community all the while staying true to our calling, loving and caring for others as Jesus loved and cared for us. Jesus loved us unconditionally, he did not discriminate, he did not judge, he simply loved. So it is important for us as a church to learn form and lean on each other,because universal love does not come easy, but it is necessary and it is our charge as Christians to do so to the best of our ability.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

30 Day Challenge: Day 7

30 Day Challenge: Day 7, Example of your Handwriting

Not a whole lot to say about this, it's messy, sometimes illegible, and overall not pretty. What can I say though it is mine and I have come to accept it even like it at some times. I especially do love my signature because it flows very smoothly when I write it out, it is also unique and hard to copy which is nice.

Monday, May 12, 2014

30 Day Challenge: Day 6

Day 6, Three Pet peeves

I have very few things that I let bother me to the point of being a pet peeve, so this post is really going to be the worst of the worst, and trust me it is not that bad.
I mean seriously, come on!

1. Grammar, Spelling, and Wrong Word Usage

I know I'm not the only person that is bothered by this so I will keep it short and sweet. You are an educated  person, at least a high school graduate, so please just make the effort to make it look that way. Now I'm not perfect I make grammar mistakes, however, I do make the best effort to at least portray an air of education in the words that I use both here, and in all of my social media exploits. You should do the same.

2. Public Ignorance, on social media

If you are going to post, share, or comment on something that is, a) controversial, b) "groundbreaking," c) mind blowing, d) otherwise going to stir up conversation. Please make sure you at least confirm that it is real, I am so tired of people posting things that are not only ridiculous but totally and completely false. for example just the other day one of my friends posted a meme image of Duane "The Rock" Johnson that had the message "RIP The Rock you will be missed" with an article message underneath explaining more details, now I am by no means a wrestling fan but I have always appreciated what The Rock has done with is career Not to mention he is way to young to have died of anything natural, so I was skeptical. Well, a quick google search provided me the quick answer to my wonder, it was fake, completely and totally fake, The rock was not even in the country that the article had cited, nor is he participating in the event cited as causing the accident (something wrestling related). It was just very frustrating to have that posted, immediately feel grief as I am extremely empathetic, and then find out that the whole thing was a fake. Research people, google exists for a reason.

3. The inability to read a sign right in front of your face. 

Be it a warning sign or informational sign, they are posted for your convenience so read them. Maybe this is because I have worked in customer service for so long, but  cannot count the number of times I have had people ask me what kind of credit cards are accepted, when we have a sign sitting not three feet from where they stand, or some one coming to the front desk asking about the $50 dollar authorization put on their card before they have paid, when we have a sign sitting right in front of the computers, or even better yet the classic wet paint/floor sign questions, where someone will ask if said object or floor is actually wet. Read people you have an ability that 1 out of 5 people on this planet does not have, take advantage of that.   

Sunday, May 11, 2014

30 Day Challenge: Day 5

30 Day Challenge: Day 5, 3 things to tell someone anonymously

Okay, so my first instinct was to take full advantage of this and really vent out on some of the things that bug me the most about society today. However, I'm not going to do that today. So here they are the three things I would say to someone anonymously.

1. You are loved, whether you know it or not. 

I know many people out there may scoff at this, I honestly believe it to be true and I hope that you will too. I know that I personally have work to do on this subject, I love some, like many, and hate few (if any). God however, did love us all and to this day still loves us all. So much so does He love us, that He died on a cross. Consuming in that death the penalty of the sins of all that were, are, and are to come. The Gospel teaches us to do the same, and it is something that our society is in sore need of. It is a standard in so many religions, monotheistic and otherwise, to love one another as we would wish to be loved, through the good times and bad we need to stand with others as we would wish to have them stand with us if the roles were reversed.

2. Who you are is perfectly accepted by God.

Some of my friends may not agree with this and that is okay. My thoughts on this subject are as follows. God is almighty, the creator of Heaven, Earth, and all that lies in between. So if He can do all that, doesn't it stand to reason that he would create religions to fit the needs of people in all regions so that they may find love in his presence? I believe that Jesus was the son of God, and that he was sent to Earth to die for the sins of all people, now that doesn't mean that I am going to be un-accepting of your beliefs, especially if we believe in the same God with minor discrepancies of His history on earth. I believe that God has a plan for each and every one of his people on earth whether they find him in their time on this planet or not.

3. You are special, everyone has their own talents for a reason.

There is a saying going around the internet attributed to a few different people but it goes like this "A fish will go it's whole life thinking it is stupid if it is judged by it's ability to climb a tree." It sounds silly but to me it holds very true. If we all had the same talents then the world would be an extraordinarily boring world to live in. Sometimes, it is hard to swallow when you are around a whole group of people with a certain talent, but there are always many roles withing a singular event be it a group activity or individual. For example, I love theatre, however I really suck at memorizing lines. I struggled through getting small parts on stage (i.e. guard 3, town person 8, chorus person, etc.) for almost all of high school, then I took a class called the 24 hour play project and I was introduced to the sound board and the light board. I fell in love instantly, and I was good at working them too. Unfortunately, I didn't get to participate in many plays during college but I still use my technical skills to this day as a sound board operator on the church worship team.

Hope that this can offer a bit of encouragement, and a new perspective on your day.  

Saturday, May 10, 2014

30 Day Challenge: Day 4

30 Day Challenge: Day 4, Favorite Books

Without a doubt, my favorite books are The Hobbit, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King. I read these books for the first time in early high school, I have read the trilogy only one or two more times, but I have read the hobbit through probably at least five times. I know that doesn't seem like much, but I am not the kind of person that reads books over, ever. I can't do it, I remember details and scenes before I arrive to them and that drives me nuts, once is enough for most books. But this story and these characters really grabbed my interest, and I fell in love. I own all of the extended edition dvd's and I look forward to purchasing The Hobbit trilogy on dvd when it comes out as well.

Friday, May 9, 2014

30 Day Challenge: Day 3

30 Day Challenge: Day 3, Five Places I Want to Visit



1. Japan

I have always been interested in Japanese culture, the Asian culture as a whole is so incredibly different from western thinking that it is just fascinating to me. In college I had a great roommate from Japan,and he taught me a lot about many things, but most importantly he really introduced me to Japanese cuisine. After he went back to Japan I had the opportunity to take a Japanese history course for my major and I only became more enthralled with the culture, from the feudal system controlled by the ever mysterious Samurai, to the U.S. occupation after World War II, I love learning about it all.

2. Greece

Not only is it one of my strongest family links in terms of ethnicity, it is just freaking beautiful. Though i associate closely with it ethnically, I am ashamed to say that I know more about Japan than I do Greece and its culture. It has a fascinating history I know the ancients as we all learn in high school but that is about the extent of it, I would love to learn more and experience the beauty first hand, as well I would love to track down my family history and perhaps some long lost relatives. Not to mention Mediterranean food is amazing.

 3. Germany

The other major part of my ethnic heritage, and a beautiful historically rich country. I studied German for three semesters, I never got much from that as languages are very hard for me to learn. However, I have always been a WWII aficionado and to be able to visit such a historically rich country, evil yes, but absolutely historically important. And of course German food is divine (is anyone besides me noticing a theme here?)

4. The United Kingdom and Ireland 

I feel like the UK is just somewhere everyone needs to visit. It is such an iconic and classic place, it just looks so down to earth and relaxed compared to American culture and attractions. Plus that accent is so freaking cool! 


5. Las Vegas

I know after my first four, why Vegas? To put it simply I love adventure and well what says adventure better than a trip to Sin City? I have always loved the strategy behind card gaming, especially poker I love Texas Hold 'em. I also love the excitement of the lights and parties, seeing the whose who and getting treated to things that you just can't find anywhere else. Now, I'm not totally crazy and well I'm not a millionaire so my trip would be much more reasonable with set limits on spending in casino's and a separate budget for everything else, that way I won't be stranded with nothing left but my name.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

30 Day Challenge: Day 2

Graduation 5/5/13

Blog Challenge: Day 2, The Meaning Behind My Name

Nathan Kouris


Nathan is a Hebrew word of biblical origins, being both the name of a son of King David as well as a prophet. It is translated most commonly as "he gives." I find this incredibly fitting for my personality, I am an incredibly giving person. I'm the kind of person that has to fight the urge to stop and help every person on the side of the road. 
My name also has a Greek translation which is a relative of Jonathan, and Nathaniel; all three translate into the same definition: "Child of God." I suppose that given my families ethnic background this is the meaning that they intended, however, I associate more with the Hebrew. We are all children of God and for that I am very grateful, that's another post altogether, but to be known as someone who is a giver in today's society means so much more to me.

Kouris is purely Greek, meaning "of the northern forest." Again I can really relate to this, I love spending time in and around nature. From a young age, as I have mentioned, I have been an animal lover. I mean I was the kid who watched Animal Planet on T.V. instead of Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network. To this day we love hiking as a family whenever we can, and we are intentionally looking at homes that have acreage and woods so that we can live as sustainably as we possibly can. Also completely ironically I was born and raised near Cleveland Ohio which is about as north you can get, I mean Canada is just across the lake.

So in a nutshell I am the giver that comes from the northern forest, I'm totally ok with this.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

30 Day Challenge: Day 1

First things first, credit where credit is due. Thank you Republic of The Condo for creating and providing the base for this challenge, I have modified it slightly as I'm a guy and do not carry a handbag nor do I have a daily makeup routine.

Blog Challenge: Day 1, Five Things About Me

1) I am 22 and Married 

This fact seems to blow everybody's mind. It is "too young" in the eyes of the majority of American society. That opinion aside, I have to say it is absolutely wonderful. I love my wife to the ends of the world, life is rough sometimes but that is the truth whether you're 22 or 82. Being married is one of the best things that I have ever done.

2) I am also a Father 

Yep the mind blowing continues. A little over two years ago we were going home to Ohio for a vacation (where I was going to ask her parents for their permission in marrying her)  the morning we were leaving is when we found out that we were expecting our son Jace. Now two years later we have a bright, cheerful, crabby, active, wonderful toddler running around making our lives that much better.

3) I am a College Graduate 

Berea College is a wonderful institution in the middle of nowhere Kentucky, it's mission is to offer low income students the opportunity to get an undergraduate education for free. It is one of the highest ranked schools in terms of academic standing for its size as well. I just have to say that I am very thankful that a place like it existed allowing me to graduate essentially debt free.

4) I am an ESFP

People-oriented and fun-loving, they make things more fun for others by their enjoyment. Living for the moment, they love new experiences. They dislike theory and impersonal analysis. Interested in serving others. Likely to be the center of attention in social situations. Well-developed common sense and practical ability. Read more in the link above it describes me perfectly.

5)  I Love Animals

 Ever since I can remember I have had a soft spot for all animals, we own three cats and a dog currently, and that has never faded over the years. I have particularly come to have a fondness for birds and reptiles especially snakes.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Semi-smoked Beef Ribs with Root Beer Barbeque Sauce

Firsts all around

Well this is my first blog, it also just so happens that this was also my first time cooking beef ribs. I have to say I am a super lucky man, I have a wonderful wife who understands that one of my stronger love languages is receiving gifts, thankfully hers is most certainly acts of service. This works out for both of us, particularly for this post.

It all starts as most food does with a trip to the grocery store. My wife loves to surprise me with foods that I love, and that she won't particularly enjoy. This trip she came back with beef ribs, root beer, chips and salsa, Dr. Pepper, and Cinnabon cereal. The path was immediately clear to me.

Being a BBQ junkie, I knew of cola based sauces and thought, well what about a root beer based sauce. One thing led to another and the following recipe came to be. The sauce is based off of a recipe I found in my Barbeque Bible that I bought a few months ago and am putting to use for the first time here, yep another first.

The Prep

The tools that I used included: Tongs, whisk, 1 qt. sauce pan, aluminum foil, large cookie sheet, liquid measuring cup, measuring spoons, regular flatware teaspoon, and a large cutting board (12 in. x18 in.), strainer, and a small serving bowl. 

First things first, I did an indoor smoking of my meat (my own crazy idea), which admittedly didn't work nearly like I wanted it to but more on that later. In order to do this I used mesquite wood chips which I soaked in diluted coffee for an hour while I made my sauce and prepped the ribs. 


The Sauce



1/2 cup root beer
1/4 cup ketchup
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp. sriracha
1 tsp. garlic powder
Fresh cracked black pepper to taste

I combined the ketchup and root beer in a liquid measuring cup, in that order, and stirred them together in the cup. This gets all the ketchup off the walls and bottom. Pour into a 1 qt. sauce pan, add the rest of the of the ingredients and whisk together. Slowly bring to a boil, I set it at low for a minute, then cranked to medium, then, finally, brought it up o the full boil stirring very frequently. Then I reduced the heat to medium and simmered it for 8 minutes, again stirring almost constantly. Move it to a bowl to let cool, we'll come back to it later.


The Ribs 


They are Beef back ribs straight from the super market, nothing super fancy. The prep was the same as for any pork ribs, however, I did find it a bit more challenging. Start by removing the membrane on the underside, now for pork ribs once you get a hold of this you can just pull and it comes right off. Well for the beef ribs this is a bit tougher. Once I got it started I had to use my knife to gently score along the leading edge, separating the membrane from the meat trying not to cut into the meat underneath. This process, no joke took me a solid five minutes.

After I removed the membrane

After that fight was over, I moved on to the trimming of the fat, now I am a big believer in letting the meat speak for itself. In order to do that it needs flavor and we all know that fat carries the flavor, so in order to let this happen I tend to only trim away the fat that I know I can remove without taking any of the meat, or anything thicker than a 1/8 of an inch. After trimming away about 4 oz. of fat it was time for seasoning. Now I don't measure when I season meat I just go by instinct. One trick I do use is to hold the bottle about a foot above the meat this helps avoid those spots where too much spice accidentally comes out and one part of the meat is too salty or spicy. I used my regular seasoning for beef which is simply sea salt, black pepper, garlic powder, chile powder, and paprika. After you lay down the seasoning massage the spices into the meat, it sounds funny but I really think it helps the seasoning stay on the meat during cooking. Once seasoned, I let the ribs set for about twenty minutes just to absorb those flavors as much as possible. 


The Cook


Alright now we are almost there. Set the oven to 275 degrees, let it pre-heat. Set the ribs on top of the burrito of wood chips, and wrap them tightly in the large sheet (two overlapping) that you have laid out. Set in the middle of a large cookie sheet and smake (smoke/bake) for 2 hours. Don't touch them just let them work their magic. After two hours take them out and smother them with about half to three quarters of the root beer barbeque sauce, wrap them back up and hit them for another hour cranking the oven to 350 degrees (I only did half an hour because we had somewhere to go this evening and they were still a bit tough). Take them out one last time and open the foil turning it into a boat of sorts, and add the rest of the sauce. Put that back in the oven uncovered for 10-15 minutes to get a nice solid sauce foundation on the top of the ribs. Let the ribs rest for 5-10 minutes and enjoy!

The Semi-smoke set-up


This whole time we've had those wood chips soaking, now it's time to get them ready for smoking. Strain the wood chips out from the liquid and set them aside. Prepare a piece of foil about 12-16 inches long, Lay out the wood chips in a line along the lower half of the foil,

fold in the sides, and roll it up like a burrito. I did this so that the smoke created wouldn't overwhelm the oven. It worked out too well. There were hints that the smoke had some effect (just a bit of pink here and there) but there was no real smoke ring or anything, for anyone that doesn't know a smoke ring shows as a dark pinkinsh-red ring under the crust of the meat, that is visible after cutting through the meat.
these are not mine, thank you live to cook at home

After it was burritoed, I laid out two overlapping pieces of foil about 18 inches long and set the burrito in the middle. 

boat with sauce added

The Final Product

The great part about these and added bonus is that the dog can enjoy the bones, and believe me my dog Luna loved them.

I hope you enjoy this, and I look forward to doing this more often. I'm sure as I continue they will get shorter and hopefully I can grow in my culinary experiences over time.