30 Day Challenge: Day 5, 3 things to tell someone anonymously
Okay, so my first instinct was to take full advantage of this and really vent out on some of the things that bug me the most about society today. However, I'm not going to do that today. So here they are the three things I would say to someone anonymously.
1. You are loved, whether you know it or not.
I know many people out there may scoff at this, I honestly believe it to be true and I hope that you will too. I know that I personally have work to do on this subject, I love some, like many, and hate few (if any). God however, did love us all and to this day still loves us all. So much so does He love us, that He died on a cross. Consuming in that death the penalty of the sins of all that were, are, and are to come. The Gospel teaches us to do the same, and it is something that our society is in sore need of. It is a standard in so many religions, monotheistic and otherwise, to love one another as we would wish to be loved, through the good times and bad we need to stand with others as we would wish to have them stand with us if the roles were reversed.2. Who you are is perfectly accepted by God.
Some of my friends may not agree with this and that is okay. My thoughts on this subject are as follows. God is almighty, the creator of Heaven, Earth, and all that lies in between. So if He can do all that, doesn't it stand to reason that he would create religions to fit the needs of people in all regions so that they may find love in his presence? I believe that Jesus was the son of God, and that he was sent to Earth to die for the sins of all people, now that doesn't mean that I am going to be un-accepting of your beliefs, especially if we believe in the same God with minor discrepancies of His history on earth. I believe that God has a plan for each and every one of his people on earth whether they find him in their time on this planet or not.3. You are special, everyone has their own talents for a reason.
There is a saying going around the internet attributed to a few different people but it goes like this "A fish will go it's whole life thinking it is stupid if it is judged by it's ability to climb a tree." It sounds silly but to me it holds very true. If we all had the same talents then the world would be an extraordinarily boring world to live in. Sometimes, it is hard to swallow when you are around a whole group of people with a certain talent, but there are always many roles withing a singular event be it a group activity or individual. For example, I love theatre, however I really suck at memorizing lines. I struggled through getting small parts on stage (i.e. guard 3, town person 8, chorus person, etc.) for almost all of high school, then I took a class called the 24 hour play project and I was introduced to the sound board and the light board. I fell in love instantly, and I was good at working them too. Unfortunately, I didn't get to participate in many plays during college but I still use my technical skills to this day as a sound board operator on the church worship team.Hope that this can offer a bit of encouragement, and a new perspective on your day.
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